
MBC Modulator Bias Controllers

The Chip size MBC is a single-function chip-size OEM version of the Modulator Bias Controller (MBC) family. It is designed especially for digital system applications. The small size of the board makes it easy to be integrated into the system. Chip size MBC is designed to lock the working point of the modulator at positive slope ...


Product Type: MBC
Modulation Type: Other
Detector Input Power: -- dBm
Locking Slope: Positive, Negative
Locking Mode: Quad+, Quad-, Null, Peak Positions
The Ditherless Modulator Bias Controller is a compact OEM device designed for bias control in a feedback loop. It ensures precise locking of the bias to the desired reference point without the need for pilot tones, making it compatible with various analog systems. The controller offers high accuracy, high dynamic range, and fast ...


Product Type: MBC
Modulation Type: Other
Detector Input Power: 0 dBm
Locking Slope: Positive, Negative
Locking Mode: Quad+, Quad-, Null, Peak Positions
The Dual Port Modulator Bias Controller (MBC-DUAL-BIAS-X) is a compact OEM version of the Modulator Bias Controller (MBC) family. Specifically designed for use with MZ modulators featuring dual DC ports, it enables extremely high extinction ratio operation in analog systems and applications.


Product Type: MBC
Modulation Type: Other
Detector Input Power: -10 dBm
Locking Slope: Positive, Negative
Locking Mode: Quad+, Quad-, Null, Peak Positions
The Modulator Bias Controller is a full-function miniature OEM version of the Modulator Bias Controller (MBC) family. It is designed for use in analog systems and applications. The Modulator Bias Controller enables locking the working point of the modulator at any desired position on the modulator working function. It offers ...


Product Type: MBC
Modulation Type: QPSK
Detector Input Power: -10 dBm
Locking Slope: Positive, Negative
Locking Mode: Null, Peak Positions
The MBC-SSB is designed for single sideband applications with DPMZ modulators. It features two operation modes, calibration mode, and locking mode. The controller can control three modulators and has a user-adjustable pilot tone amplitude. The locking points around null and quad can be fine-tuned and calibration off mode is ...


Product Type: MBC
Modulation Type: Other
Detector Input Power: -10 dBm
Locking Slope: Positive, Negative
Locking Mode: Quad+
The Super Modulator Bias Controller (MBC-SUPER) is a compact and full-function miniature OEM version of the Modulator Bias Controller (MBC) family. It is designed for locking the working point of a modulator at various points on its characteristic curve, including positive slope quadrature (quad+), negative slope quadrature (quad-), ...


Product Type: MBC
Modulation Type: QPSK
Detector Input Power: -10 dBm
Locking Slope: Positive, Negative
Locking Mode: Quad+, Quad-, Null, Peak Positions
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