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Slide Scanners

Holoviewer App Advanced Cloud-Based 3D Visualisation Software
Holoxica Ltd
Showcase 3D models and animations in real-time on 2D monitors and 3D light field displays. The visualisation app uses 3D graphics, web and cloud technologies including ThreeJS and WebGL. It requires a modern graphics card (GPU), Nvidia GTX 1070 as a minimum. The Holoviewer app is embedded within some of our products and is ...


Looking Glass 32 Inch 8K Light Field Display
Holoxica Ltd
Holoxica is an authorised reseller for the Looking Glass Factory 32 inch (81 cm) light field display that is capable of showing full-colour 3D animations without needing glasses or a headset. The display comprises an 8K LCD screen, optical array and a combiner block. It can show 45 unique view points within a viewing zone of 50 ...


Looking Glass 3D Light Field Display
Holoxica Ltd
Holoxica is an authorised reseller for the Looking Glass Factory light field display that is capable of showing full-colour 3D animations without needing glasses or headset. The display comprises an LCD screen, an optical array and a combiner block. It can show 45 unique view points within a viewing zone of 50 degrees. It supports ...


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