Custom Designed High N.A. Objectives 54-33-22 920-1040nm
Special Optics objective lens designs are driven by our customers requirements and applications. Innovative ideas and unconventional solutions developed by OEM instrument makers and the research community cannot be supported by commercial off-the-shelf microscope objectives. We support customers pushing the limits of microscopy in life science research, life science OEM instruments, semiconductor, light sheet microscopy, two-photon, multiphoton and physical science research. Our expertise is designing multi-element high NA precision assemblies with diffraction limited performance as well as objectives for single wavelength sampling with modest resolution demands requiring commercial tolerance assembly techniques.
Custom Designed High N.A. Objectives 54-33-22 920-1040nm
- TIRF objectives with top numerical apertures
- High transmission (~350 nm) for laser microdissection
- Special objectives for patch-clamp applications on vital brain sections allowing measurements of individual ion channels using an inert dip-in objective
- Infrared-optimized multiphoton objectives for imaging deep neuronal tissue sections
- Water, glycerol, oil and multi-immersion objectives with correct refraction index for the sample medium and aberration-free imaging of thicker samples
For pricing, technical or any other questions please contact the supplier
- No registration required
- No markups, no fees
- Direct contact with supplier
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Frequently Asked Questions
Special Optics custom designed high N.A. objectives are used for pushing the limits of microscopy in life science research, life science OEM instruments, semiconductor, light sheet microscopy, two-photon, multiphoton and physical science research.
The benefits of choosing a custom objective over an off-the-shelf objective include risk mitigation, improved quality, meeting exact specifications, enhancing competitive advantage/business return, manufacturing consistency, on time delivery/availability, warranty/product support, and optical design data for system modeling.
The features of Special Optics custom designed high N.A. objectives include TIRF objectives with top numerical apertures, high transmission (~350 nm) for laser microdissection, special objectives for patch-clamp applications on vital brain sections allowing measurements of individual ion channels using an inert dip-in objective, infrared-optimized multiphoton objectives for imaging deep neuronal tissue sections, and water, glycerol, oil and multi-immersion objectives with correct refraction index for the sample medium and aberration-free imaging of thicker samples.
Together, Special Optics and Applied Scientific Imaging (ASi) developed... (truncated input)
The process for manufacturing custom microscope objectives involves optical design by experts, mechanical design, lens polishing and generating, expert lens assembly in a Class 1000 clean space, and final testing of objective assemblies using interferometers or custom Shack Hartann wavefront sensing metrology.