Neurolucida 360 Automatic 3D Neuron Reconstruction And Quantitative Analysis
Neurolucida 360 is the premier tool used by neuroscientists to quickly and accurately reconstruct intricate neuronal structures that range in scale from complex, multicellular networks of neurons to sub-cellular dendritic spines and putative synapses. With the sophistication to analyze specific neuronal structures such as axons, basal dendrites, apical dendrites, and axon-carrying dendrites, you can completely reconstruct and analyze any neuron in any species. The most advanced image detection algorithms allow you to confidently reconstruct cells using a variety of labeling and microscopy techniques. Whether you are interested in analyzing individual neurons or the interactions of neurons, see why Neurolucida 360 far surpasses all other software for automatic neuron reconstruction!
Neurolucida 360 Automatic 3D Neuron Reconstruction And Quantitative Analysis
- Axons
- Dendrites
- Somas
- Dendritic spines
- Synapses
- Varicosities
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Frequently Asked Questions
Neurolucida 360 is a software used by neuroscientists to reconstruct intricate neuronal structures in 3D and analyze them quantitatively.
According to a case study reported in Science, Neurolucida 360 now offers more accuracy than ever before, allowing for morphological analysis of extremely high resolution 3D images of cortical column and whole-brain imaging with molecular contrast and nanoscale resolution.
Neurolucida 360 allows for detailed morphometric analyses of neurons, such as quantifying the number of dendrites, axons, nodes, synapses, and spines, as well as the length, width, and volume of dendrites and axons, and the area and volume of the soma.
Neurolucida 360 can analyze specific neuronal structures such as axons, basal dendrites, apical dendrites, and axon-carrying dendrites, as well as dendritic spines, synapses, and varicosities.
Neurolucida 360 can confidently reconstruct cells using a variety of labeling and microscopy techniques, thanks to its advanced image detection algorithms.
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