
MESO metrology system is a one-stop solution to many challenges in optical metrology. Shop floor measurements ensure quality control testing and in situ process control of your flat optics right next to the manufacturing line. A unique instrument allows to measure at several different wavelengths with no chromatic abberrations and ...


Interferometer Configuration: Not Specified
Light Source: 1064nm
Output Polarization: Linear, Circular
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
The Optical Engineer Companion is an optical metrology system comprising compatible and complementary optical hardware, software and accessories. It spans 800+ combinations and covers a wide range of uses and applications. The Companion’s modularity and clever design enable snap reconfigurations to switch between setups and ...


Interferometer Configuration: Not Specified
Light Source: 1550nm
Output Polarization: Not Specified
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
Kaleo Kit is a modular system for optics qualification. It combines a broad range of compatible modules, that let you create a cost-effective, compact, and easy-to-use system that can adapt to a wide range of measurement configurations and ensure the quality of your sample at all development stages. Access all the characteristics of ...


Interferometer Configuration: Not Specified
Light Source: 543nm, 594nm, 632 nm or 633nm, 1550nm, 1064nm, 1053nm, 780nm, 532nm, 355nm
Output Polarization: Not Specified
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
Phasics is innovating in optical metrology with a new instrument able to measure both transmitted and reflected wavefront error (TWE/RWE). Coated and uncoated optics can be qualified over a diameters from 30 to 150 mm at their working wavelengths. The Kaleo MultiWAVE is an advantageous alternative and cost-effective solution to the ...


Interferometer Configuration: Not Specified
Light Source: 543nm, 594nm, 632 nm or 633nm, 1550nm, 1064nm, 1053nm, 780nm, 532nm, 355nm
Output Polarization: Not Specified
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
FiBO® 200 Interferometer is an economical solution for complete and accurate fiber optic connector end-face testing. High resolution 3D surface metrology and automated defect detection are combined in one robust, compact system for quick and easy inspection on the production floor or in the field.


Interferometer Configuration: Michelson Interferometer
Light Source: 532nm, 355nm
Output Polarization: Not Specified
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
Newly available from Armstrong Optical are a range of customer-proven phase-measuring Fizeau interferometers with 300mm (12”) aperture in both vertical (downward-looking) and horizontal configurations, IFV-300 and IFH-300. Both configurations are supplied with a certified lambda/20 transmission flat and an ergonomically designed ...


Interferometer Configuration: Fizeau Interferometer
Light Source: White Light
Output Polarization: Not Specified
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
Newly available from Armstrong Optical is a customer-proven phase-measuring Fizeau interferometer with 60mm aperture in a vertical (downward-looking) configuration, IFV-60. The aperture can also be increased to 100 if required. It is supplied with a certified lambda/20 transmission flat and an ergonomically designed sample handling ...


Interferometer Configuration: Fizeau Interferometer
Light Source: White Light
Output Polarization: Linear
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
FiBO® 300 is a versatile phase-shifting interferometer for the analysis of fiber optic endface geometry. Measure non-standard, angle-polished and cleaved bare optical fiber with just one click. FiBO makes sophisticated interferometry easy and affordable.


Interferometer Configuration: Michelson Interferometer
Light Source: 355nm, 532nm
Output Polarization: Not Specified
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
FiBO® 250 interferometer is a fully automated solution for fast and accurate fiber optic connector endface testing. 3D surface metrology and advanced defect detection capabilities are combined in one compact and portable system.


Interferometer Configuration: Michelson Interferometer
Light Source: 532nm, 355nm
Output Polarization: Not Specified
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
The L01 is a sensor head for the PICOSCALE laser interferometer. The target beam is focused along only one axis with a cylinder lens so that a line focus is generated. This way, the sensor head has a relatively large angular working range along the focused axis while having a large diameter along the orthogonal axis. Typically, these ...


Interferometer Configuration: Not Specified
Light Source: 1550nm
Output Polarization: Linear
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
The F01 is a sensor head type with focused probe beam. This allows to measure displacements of small targets. Furthermore, the sensor heads provide high angular tolerances. After pre-collimation, an integrated beam splitter splits the light into a reference and probe beam as shown in Figure 1. The reference beam is reflected off the ...


Interferometer Configuration: Not Specified
Light Source: 1550nm
Output Polarization: Linear
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
The C03 is a sensor head type optimized for moderate working distances and using retro-reflectors as target. The probe beam is enlarged so that its divergence is reduced and more optical power can be collected after reflection at the target mirror. The C03 sensor head type is based on the standard sensor head type C01, including the ...


Interferometer Configuration: Not Specified
Light Source: 1550nm
Output Polarization: Linear
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified
The C01 is the standard sensor head type for the PICOSCALE Interferometer. Due to its collimated output beam, the compact form factor and the various customization options, it is appropriate for most common applications. Each sensor head (see figure 1) is based on two main components: the lens system, collimating the fiber output ...


Interferometer Configuration: Not Specified
Light Source: 1550nm
Output Polarization: Linear
RMS Repeatability: Not Specified
RMS Precision: Not Specified

Frequently Asked Questions

An interferometer is an optical metrology tool that measures the difference in distance between two surfaces with high accuracy and precision. It is commonly used in industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, optics, and aerospace.

Interferometers work by splitting a light beam into two separate beams and then recombining them to form an interference pattern. The pattern changes based on the distance between the surfaces being measured, allowing for high-precision measurement of changes in distance.

Interferometers offer high accuracy and precision in measuring distances, making them ideal for use in industries where precise measurements are critical. They are non-contact, which means they can be used to measure delicate or fragile surfaces without causing damage. Additionally, interferometers can measure distances over long ranges, making them useful for large-scale measurements.

Interferometers are used in a variety of industries, including semiconductor manufacturing, optics, and aerospace. They are commonly used for surface metrology, including the measurement of surface flatness, surface roughness, and surface deformation. Interferometers are also used for the calibration of other instruments, such as coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) and scanning electron microscopes (SEMs).

When choosing an interferometer, it is important to consider factors such as accuracy, measurement range, and compatibility with the materials being measured. It is also important to choose an interferometer with the appropriate wavelength range and sensitivity for the application. Additionally, the sample stage must be compatible with the sample being measured. Some interferometers also offer additional features, such as vibration isolation and environmental controls.

There are several types of interferometers, including Michelson, Mach-Zehnder, and Fabry-Perot interferometers, among others. Each type has its own unique configuration and is suited for different applications. For example, the Michelson interferometer is commonly used for measuring wavelength and distance, while the Fabry-Perot interferometer is used for measuring the spectral characteristics of light.

Interferometers have some limitations, such as sensitivity to vibration and temperature changes. To overcome these limitations, interferometers can be equipped with vibration isolation and environmental controls. Additionally, interferometers may have limited measurement ranges or may require specialized sample stages for specific applications. It's important to choose an interferometer that is suited for the specific application and that can provide the required accuracy and precision.

There are 13 different Interferometers from suppliers and manufacturers listed in this category. In just a few clicks you can compare different Interferometers with each other and get an accurate quote based on your needs and specifications. Please note that the prices of Interferometers vary significantly for different products based on various factors including technical parameters, features, brand name, etc. Please contact suppliers directly to inquire about the details and accurate pricing information for any product model. Simply navigate to the product page of interest and use the orange button to directly reach out to the respective supplier with one click.

Did You know?

Did you know that interferometers are essential optical metrology tools for measuring the distance between two surfaces with high accuracy and precision? Interferometers work by splitting a light beam into two separate beams and then recombining them to form an interference pattern, which changes based on the distance between the surfaces being measured. These instruments are widely used in various high-tech industries, such as semiconductor manufacturing, optics, and aerospace, for surface metrology applications, including the measurement of surface flatness, roughness, and deformation. Interferometers are non-contact, non-destructive, and capable of measuring distances over long ranges, making them ideal for measuring delicate or fragile surfaces without causing damage. When choosing an interferometer, it's important to consider factors such as accuracy, measurement range, wavelength range, sensitivity, and compatibility with the materials being measured. Interferometers can also offer additional features, such as vibration isolation and environmental controls, to enhance their functionality in various applications.