
Nd:YVO4 Laser Crystals

Nd: YVO4 crystal is an excellent laser crystal for making diode pumped solid lasers. The main and greatest advantages of Nd: YVO4 are high absorption coefficient, big stimulated emission cross-section and wide absorption band, the absorption peak is about 808 nm.    Because of these advantages, small crystal can be used ...


Type Of Crystal: Nd:YVO4
Crystal Diameter: 1-50 mm
Crystal Length: 0.3-220 mm
AR Coating: Both sides
Chemical Formula, Crystal: Activator: YVO4: Nd3+
Nd-doped YVO4 crystal is an excellent laser crystal for making the diode-pumped solid lasers. The main and greatest advantages of Nd: YVO4 are high absorption coefficient, big stimulated emission cross-section and wide absorption band, the absorption peak is about 808 nm. Because of these advantages, small crystal can be used to make ...


Type Of Crystal: Nd:YVO4
Crystal Diameter: 4*4 mm
Crystal Length: 20 mm
AR Coating: Both sides
Coating: AR/AR@888nm&1064; nm,R<0.2% on 4*4 mm surface
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