
Page 6 - One side Laser Crystals

TGG is an excellent magneto-optical crystal used in various Faraday devices (Rotator and Isolator) in the range of 400nm-1100nm, excluding 475-500nm


Type Of Crystal: TGG
Crystal Diameter: 5 mm
Crystal Length: 5 mm
AR Coating: One side, Both sides
Growth Method : Czochralski
The Yttrium Orthovanadate (YVO4) is a positive uniaxial crystal grown with Czochralski method. It has good temperature stability and physical and mechanical properties. It is ideal for optical polarizing components because of its wide transparency range and large birefringence. It is an excellent synthetic substitute for Calcite ...


Type Of Crystal: YVO4
Crystal Diameter: 35 mm
Crystal Length: 50 mm
AR Coating: One side, Both sides
Transparency Range: High transmittance from 0.4 to 5μm
Er,Cr:YSGG (Erbium,Chromium doped Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet) provides an efficient laser crystal for generating 2800nm light in an important water absorption band. It becomes one of the most promising laser crystals recently owing to its high conversion efficiency,stable chemical properties,long fluorescent lifetime. Now ...


Type Of Crystal: Ho:Cr:Tm:YAG, TeO2
Crystal Diameter: 10 mm
Crystal Length: 20 mm
AR Coating: One side, Both sides
Crystal Structure: Cubic,Garnet
Nd:YVO4 is the most efficient laser host crystal for diode pumping among the current commercial laser crystals, especially, for low to middle power density. This is mainly for its absorption and emission features surpassing Nd:YAG.


Type Of Crystal: Nd:Ce:YAG
Crystal Diameter: 35 mm
Crystal Length: 50 mm
AR Coating: One side, Both sides
Lasing Wavelength: 1064nm,1342nm
Unioriental grows high quality Ce, Cr and no-doped LiSAF, LiSGaF and LiCAF crystals using the Czochralski technique. The use of high quality starting materials for crystal growth and measurement of dopant concentration using absorption spectroscopy assures that each crystal will perform to customer specifications.


Type Of Crystal: YLF, YVO4, LiSAF, LiCAF
Crystal Diameter: 2 mm
Crystal Length: 5 mm
AR Coating: One side, Both sides, Uncoated
Unioriental grows Nd, Pr, Er, Ho and no doped YLF crystals using the Czochralski technique. The use of high quality starting materials for crystal growth, whole boule interferometry and precise measurement of bulk losses using transmission spectroscopy assures that each crystal will perform to customer specifications.


Type Of Crystal: YLF
Crystal Diameter: 1 mm
Crystal Length: 1 mm
AR Coating: One side, Both sides, Uncoated