<= Lambda/6 Nonlinear Crystals

Barium-borate (BBO or BaB2O4) has two phases: α phase – high temperature phase β phase – low temperature phase  β-barium-borate (BBO) differs from the α-barium-borate by the positions of the barium ions in the crystal. Although both α-BBO and β-BBO phases are ...


Crystal Type: BBO (Beta Barium Borate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Type I, Type II, Not Applicable
Mounting: Mounted, Unmounted
Width: 2-20 mm
Height: 2-20 mm
Due to the high damage threshold, wide transparency rage lithium triborate (LBO) is mostly used for second harmonic generation (SHG) a.k.a. frequency doubling and third harmonic generation (THG). But it's possible to use for Fourth harmonic generation with higher power than BBO. Crystals can be heated up for protection or performance ...


Crystal Type: LBO (Lithium Triborate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Type I, Type II, Not Applicable
Mounting: Mounted, Unmounted
Width: 2-20 mm
Height: 2-12 mm
In 2016, for the first time in the world, a new nonlinear crystal of high optical quality BaGa2GeSe6 was obtained, which has nonlinearity coefficients d11 = 23.6, d22 = 18.5, d31 = 18.3 pm/V. Transmission range 0.522–18 microns, band gap width 2.38 eV, resistance to laser radiation 5.35 J/cm2.  BGGSe is a nonlinear ...


Crystal Type: N/A
Phase Mathcing Type: Not Applicable
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 10 mm
Height: 10 mm
AgGaS2 is a negative uniaxial crystal: no > ne. The symmetry class is tetragonal D2d, spatial group D2 d12. The transparency range is 0.47–12.5 microns. The nonlinear coefficient d36 = 12.5 pm/V. Birefringence of ne − no = 0.0537 at a wavelength of 1.06 microns. The laser resistance is 20 MW/cm2.


Crystal Type: AgGaS2 (Silver Gallium Sulfide)
Phase Mathcing Type: Not Applicable
Mounting: N/A
Width: 12 mm
Height: 12 mm
BaGa4Se7 (BGSe) is the latest promising chalcogenide crystal with large nonlinear optical coefficients (d11 = 24.3 pm/V and d13 = 20.4 pm/V) and a wide transparency range of 0.47—18 microns [18-22]. The tuning range of the BGSe ORO with a 2.1 µm pump for type 1 was 3-5 microns, and the maximum output power reached 1.55 ...


Crystal Type: N/A
Phase Mathcing Type: Not Applicable
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 12 mm
Height: 12 mm
Generation was obtained at two transitions of the Dy3+ 6H11/2 — 6H13/2 and 6H9/2 — 6H11/2 ion according to a cascade scheme. The pumping was carried out by the YAG-Nd3+ laser at a wavelength of 1.38 microns. Measurement of the lifetime of levels 6H9/2, 6H11/2 and 6H13/2 showed that it is equal to 160 microseconds, 2 ms ...


Crystal Type: N/A
Phase Mathcing Type: Not Applicable
Mounting: N/A
Width: 10 mm
Height: 10 mm
BaGa4S7(BGS) crystals were grown by the Bridgman-Stockbarger method in the laboratory, and its selenium-containing analogue BaGa4Se7(BGSe) was obtained for the first time with dimensions large enough to measure the coefficients of dispersion and refraction, which is a prerequisite for predicting the features of phase interaction. ...


Crystal Type: N/A
Phase Mathcing Type: Not Applicable
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 10 mm
Height: 10 mm
This is a BaGa2GeSe6 Nonlinear Crystal. It has a nonlinear coefficients of d11 = +23,6, d22 = -18,5, d31 = +18,3 pm/W. Transmission range is 0,522–18 um, The width of the forbidden range is 2.38 eV, resistance to laser radiation is 5.35 J/sq.cm. Scientific research shows that these crystals are capable of generating pulses ...


Crystal Type: N/A
Phase Mathcing Type: Type II
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 10 mm
Height: 10 mm
HgGa2S4 is a negative single axis crystal: no>ne, tetragonal syngony. The transparency region of this crystal is between 0.5 and 13.  Nonlinear coefficient is 26.8 pm/W. Birefringence ne-no = -0.053. Thermal Conductivity is 0.028 W/ cm-K. The laser resistance is 1J /sq.cm.HgGa2S4 (рис. 8) представляет собой отрицательный ...


Crystal Type: N/A
Phase Mathcing Type: Type II
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 8 mm
Height: 8 mm
AgGaS2(AGS) crystal is transparent from 0.50 to 13.2 um. AGS crytal\'s high short wavelength transparency edging at 550nm is made use od in OPOs pumped by Nd:YAG laser; in numerous difference frequenty mixing experiments with diod; Ti:Sapphire, Nd:YAG and IR dye lasers covering 3-12um range;in direct infrared countermeasure systems; ...


Crystal Type: AgGaS2 (Silver Gallium Sulfide)
Phase Mathcing Type: Type I
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 5 mm
Height: 5 mm
AgGaSe2(AGSe) crystals have band edges at 0.73um and 18um. Its applicable transmission range 0.9-16um and wide phase matching capability provide excellent potential for OPO application when pumped by a variety of different lasers.


Crystal Type: AgGaSe2 (Silver Gallium Selenide)
Phase Mathcing Type: Type I
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 8 mm
Height: 8 mm
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