
BBO (Beta Barium Borate) Nonlinear Crystals

Barium-borate (BBO or BaB2O4) has two phases: α phase – high temperature phase β phase – low temperature phase  β-barium-borate (BBO) differs from the α-barium-borate by the positions of the barium ions in the crystal. Although both α-BBO and β-BBO phases are ...


Crystal Type: BBO (Beta Barium Borate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Type I, Type II, Not Applicable
Mounting: Mounted, Unmounted
Width: 2-20 mm
Height: 2-20 mm
BBO is a negative uniaxial crystal with ordinary refractive-index (no) larger than extraordinary refractive-index (ne). Both type I and type II phase-matching can be reached by angle-tuning. BBO is of particular importance in the visible and far UV range.BBO is hygroscopic. The user is advised to provide dry conditions for both ...


Crystal Type: BBO (Beta Barium Borate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Type I, Type II
Mounting: Mounted, Unmounted
Width: 3-15 mm
Height: 3-15 mm
A complete range of nonlinear crystals manufactured and sold by Crystech. We provide a wide selection of nonlinear crystals tailored to customers\' needs in laser optics.Please use the REQUEST QUOTE button to contact us. 


Crystal Type: BBO (Beta Barium Borate), BIBO (BiB3O6), KTA (KTiOAsO4), KTP (KTiOPO4), KD*P (Potassium Dideuterium Phosphate), LiNbO3 (Lithium Niobate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Type I, Type II
Mounting: Mounted, Unmounted
Width: 2-20 mm
Height: 2-20 mm
As one of the most important nonlinear optical crystals, beta-barium borate (β-BaB2O4,β-BBO) combines many outstanding features such as its high nonlinear optical coefficients, low group-velocity dispersion, broad transparency range (189–3500 nm) and high damage threshold. This unique combination ensures β-BBO ...


Crystal Type: BBO (Beta Barium Borate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Type I
Mounting: Mounted
Width: 6 mm
Height: 6 mm
YCOB (YCa4O(BO3)3, Yttrium Calcium Oxyborate)—Nonlinear crystal considered to have good prospects of  UV band optical frequency multiplierOne of the latest technical achievements connected with YCOB is the generation of 2.35-W CW green output (λ = 532 nm) in a 1.2-cm-long crystal (θ = ...


Crystal Type: BBO (Beta Barium Borate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Not Applicable
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 18 mm
Height: 18 mm
β-BBO Nonlinear Crystal—a widely used nonlinear crystal for frequency conversion in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infraredBBO is a negative uniaxial crystal, which provides phase matching for various second-order interactions almost over its entire transparency range (from 185 nm to 3.3 µm, as deduced from the ...


Crystal Type: BBO (Beta Barium Borate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Not Applicable
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 3 mm
Height: 3 mm
BBO is a new ultraviole frequency doubling crystal.


Crystal Type: BBO (Beta Barium Borate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Not Applicable
Mounting: Unmounted
Width: 5 mm
Height: 5 mm
Union Optic provides different types of nonlinear crystal, include BBO, KTP, KDP & KD*P, LiNbO3 and etc. We can also provide custom NLO crystals and custom coating upon your request.


Crystal Type: BBO (Beta Barium Borate), KTP (KTiOPO4), KDP ( Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate), KD*P (Potassium Dideuterium Phosphate), LiNbO3 (Lithium Niobate)
Phase Mathcing Type: Type I, Type II
Mounting: Mounted, Unmounted
Width: 4 mm
Height: 4 mm
On FindLight marketplace you will find 8 different BBO (Beta Barium Borate) Nonlinear Crystals from suppliers around the world. With just a few clicks you can compare different BBO (Beta Barium Borate) Nonlinear Crystals and get accurate price quotes based on your needs and quantity required. Note that some wholesale suppliers may offer discounts for large quantities. From any product page you can directly contact any vendor within seconds.