
Page 2 - Absorptive Neutral Density Filters

Glass Neutral Density filters attenuate light by absorption just like the gelatine neutral density filters. Glass ND Filters are more robust and tend to have more uniform absorption characteristics. They also attenuate by absorption and so care must be taken to avoid overheating. Attenuation is achieved by polishing glass ...


Attenuator Type: Absorptive
Shape: Square
Size: 50 mm
Optical Density: 0.4
Glass Neutral Density filters attenuate light by absorption just like the gelatine neutral density filters. Glass ND Filters are more robust and tend to have more uniform absorption characteristics. They also attenuate by absorption and so care must be taken to avoid overheating. Attenuation is achieved by polishing glass ...


Attenuator Type: Absorptive
Shape: Square
Size: 50 mm
Optical Density: 0.2
Neutral density filters attenuate light by a constant amount that is, to first order, independent of the wavelength. Gelatin ND filters are the cheapest but tend to have more fluctuation with wavelength and a narrower wavelength range than glass ND filters and metallic types.  Gelatine neutral density filters work by absorption ...


Attenuator Type: Absorptive
Shape: Square
Size: 50 mm
Optical Density: 3.0
Neutral density filters attenuate light by a constant amount that is, to first order, independent of the wavelength. Gelatin ND filters are the cheapest but tend to have more fluctuation with wavelength and a narrower wavelength range than glass ND filters and metallic types.  Gelatine neutral density filters work by absorption ...


Attenuator Type: Absorptive
Shape: Square
Size: 50 mm
Optical Density: 4.0
Neutral density filters attenuate light by a constant amount that is, to first order, independent of the wavelength. Gelatin ND filters are the cheapest but tend to have more fluctuation with wavelength and a narrower wavelength range than glass ND filters and metallic types.  Gelatine neutral density filters work by absorption ...


Attenuator Type: Absorptive
Shape: Square
Size: 50 mm
Optical Density: 2.0
Neutral density filters attenuate light by a constant amount that is, to first order, independent of the wavelength. Gelatin ND filters are the cheapest but tend to have more fluctuation with wavelength and a narrower wavelength range than glass ND filters and metallic types.  Gelatine neutral density filters work by absorption ...


Attenuator Type: Absorptive
Shape: Square
Size: 50 mm
Optical Density: 1.0