Frequently Asked Questions

Knight Optical's dichroic shortpass filters are available in a range of wavelengths and are supplied in standard 12.5mm and 25mm diameter or 50mm square types. They can be cut and edged for non-standard sizes and shapes. They can also be mounted in diameters and squares and are available in sets supplied in a wooden storage box for research and laboratory use.

The most frequently requested specifications for all dichroic filter types are available size, cutting tolerance, glass substrate, dichroic filter types, wavelengths, wavelength accuracy, and transmission.

Dichroic shortpass filters are designed to transmit wavelengths lower than the cut off point and reflect all higher wavelengths.

Dichroic shortpass filters are used in several applications such as stage lighting and entertainment.

Yes, Knight Optical can supply bespoke shapes, no matter how complex, to fit your requirements.

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