
Capacitor Charger

PCA-10 capacitor charger (or capacitor charging power supply) is a high-frequency switch-mode converter, which transforms AC input to regulated high voltage DC output to charge capacitors. It was developed for the use in pumping systems of flashlamp-pumped solid-state laser devices. However, they have found their application also in ...


Voltage (VAC): 110-240 V
Max Output Voltage: 0-1500V
Max Output Power: 1000 W
Stability: 0.5% %
PFC: 98 %
PCP-17 capacitor charger is a very compact and reliable capacitor charging module, suitable for most of applications. PCP-17 capacitor charging module is a high-frequency switch-mode modern and effective AC/DC converter, which transforms DC input or rectified mains (external rectifier is needed) to regulated high voltage DC output ...


Voltage (VAC): 230 V
Max Output Voltage: 0-4000V
Max Output Power: 1750 W
Stability: 0.5 %
PCA-40 high voltage capacitor charger is a high-frequency switch-mode converter, which transforms AC input to regulated high voltage DC output to charge capacitors. It was developed for the use in pumping systems of flashlamp-pumped solid-state laser devices. PCA-40 is the most powerful modification of the PCA-series. Its maximum ...


Voltage (VAC): 200-240 V
Max Output Voltage: 0-2000V
Max Output Power: 4000 W
Stability: 0.5 %
PFC Coefficient: 98 %
PCA-40 capacitor charging module is a high-frequency switch-mode converter,which transforms AC input to regulated high voltage DC output to chargecapacitors.Maximal output power is 4000W in modifications for partial discharge and 3500J/sin modifications for complete discharge. Standard modifications cover outputvoltage range from ...


Voltage (VAC): 230 V
Max Output Voltage: 300-1500V
Max Output Power: 4000 W
Stability: 0.5 %
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