Our new open source policy makes the entire set of BEAM FOUR project source files public, under the GNU General Public License Version 2. The source code and full documentation can be downloaded from GitHub. Release 208 includes all the features of our previous releases: Multiple on-screen layouts with various views and scales that give you a variety of views of your optical system. Maps were added last year: these are color coded diagrams showing how your image quality varies over your field, or over a 2D parameter space. Combined with our MultiPlot feature -- which delivers a grid of spot diagrams -- you can explore how your design is influenced by the available parameter choices. Also included (starting back with release 128) are Gaussian scattering surfaces that let you distribute and monitor the delivered light intensity using the 2D histogram function. New since release 168 is a much-improved coordinate break function that permits easier analysis of bent optical paths and tolerancing of angles and offsets, and an improved Map display capability, like last year's, but now with complete text file output. Also newly formulated are transmission gratings: uniformly ruled, varied-line-space, and HOE ruled in both surface and volume phase holographic (VPH) technology.
1D and 2D arrays of lenses, mirrors, irises
Diffraction Gratings
Holographic Optical Elements
Coordinate breaks
Spheres, conics, torics, polynomials
Zernike surface terms
Wavefront Error Evaluation
Programmable plots & multiplots
Layouts with mouse zoom, pan, twirl
Autoadjust with L-M minimization
Refraction via table lookup
Negative refraction also!
CAD file output in 2D or 3D DXF format
Easy interface to/from spreadsheets
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, BEAM FOUR is now freely available worldwide to all users. You can download it for free from the Stellar Software website.
BEAM FOUR includes multiple on-screen layouts with various views and scales, maps that show how your image quality varies over your field, Gaussian scattering surfaces, coordinate break function, diffraction gratings, holographic optical elements, and more.
You can output CAD files in 2D or 3D DXF format and easily interface with spreadsheets.
BEAM FOUR is an optical ray tracing software that allows you to simulate and analyze optical systems.
BEAM FOUR has an open source policy that makes the entire set of project source files public, under the GNU General Public License Version 2. The source code and full documentation can be downloaded from GitHub.
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