We understand how hard it can be to build a business from the ground up and stay competitive. You need the bandwidth to go and sell your products at showcases and do live demos, and you also need to validate your business with an online presence. One way to validate your business is to create high-performance product listings. It can be hard to switch from the science side of engineering a product to the marketing aspect in order to do so. You’ve built the product, now let’s build the product listing. That’s why we are here. Stay tuned for tips and tricks on creating a high-performance product listing.
Not only do we offer a space for you to expand your business’s SEO with our online catalog where you can sell and buy industrial products like lasers, robots, machines and much more, but we also give advice on marketing of your products.
Here are 10 tips that can help you create a high-performance product posting without bending over backward. Not only will this help you on your own site, but we also recommend using it when creating your product postings on FindLight.

Collaboration Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash
1. Find your Marketplace for Product Posting
The first step is to find where you want to create this high-performance product listing. We find that many vendors usually run to the same overcrowded marketplaces. When finding the marketplaces to add your products to, you should also be considering their seller fees and how many people are currently filling them.
Before you move on, please check out our pricing tiers for posting products on FindLight and consider joining.
Finding niche marketplaces can help your business and products grow without being lost in the flurry of new products from other industries. With the same token, creating a listing on a well organized platform ensures that your products are targeted to and viewed by the right audience.
What is also important about choosing the right marketplaces, it is making sure you change your listings to match the new destination. Treat these listings like it is your own website to introduce your company and products. This might mean adjusting information to fit the product listings for each site and their requirements. Unless you are expanding onto many marketplaces with a lot of products, these small tweaks could make a big difference in the number of views and conversions.
2. Choose the Right Keywords for Creating Descriptions
We will talk about keywords in future articles. They matter heavily in product listings. It is when you get to reinforce your product and the solution it offers. Whatever keywords you are focusing on when writing your website, use them on your product listing and description. Use your description as your written sales pitch to the buyer. Approach it and its importance seriously.
At the same time, do not overcrowd with keywords as it actually can negatively impact SEO. Using a natural mix and variation of keywords throughout the description text will ensure that your page responds adequately to relevant search queries.
For instance, say you are creating a listing for a Handheld Laser Welder. Think about natural variation of keywords for such equipment that a potential buyer might use in his/her search queries. This could be things like “handheld laser welder”, “laser welding machine”, “laser soldering station”, etc. By choosing a mix of these keywords in your product description you can elevate you listing in potential search results both within the website and other search engines.
3. Spend time on Product Posting Titles
The product title is important because it is the first thing the customer sees. You can’t have a high-performing product listing if the title does not draw your customer’s interest. The title is where your future customer takes action or does not. If you are on multiple marketplaces, you can see which variation of the title gets the most attention to optimize your search.

An example of a well crafted product title. As seen on FindLight
Some of the things you might want to incorporate into your title are:
- Brand name
- Product model
- Some of the most important specs
The characters per title will usually be limited, but always make sure the full title appears in mobile form.
4. High Quality Product Photos in the Listing
You cannot underestimate the importance of high quality photos. Sometimes there is a limit of photos, so you will want to make them count. Try adding high-quality photos that will appear with your product. Try and have the first photo be a good overview of your model.
- Make sure that all the important features are accentuated in the photo.
- Ensure the resolution is high enough for the zoom mode but do not go overboard to ensure it loads (opens) quickly.
- Show different angles.
- If dimensions are important, say if you are selling a miniature product, ensure that the scale is comprehendible by placing it next to a well known object
Some places offer titles of photos and such. Always use these to help increase your performance by using your keywords in the title or tag that comes with the photo. Remember, everything goes towards SEO and helping you pop up in a search engine.
5. Start with a Strong Opening Paragraph
Having a strong opening paragraph in the description of your product posting is very important. This will likely be the first few lines that the potential buyer reads. It will also likely be the first few lines that appear in the search results. Ensuring that you capture the essence of your products in those first few lines will guarantee to catch the attention of the potential buyers and significantly enhance your conversion rates:

An example of a strong opening for a product listing. As seen on FindLight (an excerpt from AIRTRAC-6M: Low SWaP High Energy Laser). Note that it describes the product from the get-go, gives the important parameters and highlights the important features.
6. Draft Well Thought out Description
Once you have the opening of the description, ensure that you have a well organized set of paragraphs that describe the product. In drafting the text, think empathically; put yourself in the shoes of the buyer. What will he be interested in, what aspects of your products he might care and what questions he might have. Keeping these three questions in mind, you should be able to draft a description that prompts conversion.
A few tips to keep in mind:
- Don’t right long sentences or long paragraphs. Always break into multiple paragraphs to make it more digestible.
- Consider dividing into subsections with sub-headings. For instance, you might want to talk about the “Durability”, “Compactness”, “User Friendliness” and you can dedicate sub-sections for each of those topics with bold headings.
- Be quantitative in your description. Since you are selling technical products, the numbers count
- Ensure that the description is not very short, but at least 150 words. Search engines don’t like light content.
7. Highlight the Applications
Your product inevitably comes with a list of applicable domains. Make sure that you include all these relevant applications. At FindLight we have dedicated a space where suppliers can list such applications.

Product Applications section in Product Listings as see on FindLight
Having those listed accomplishes a few things. First, it explains your product better. By looking at the relevant applications a potential buyer might get a better idea if this is the right product for his/her application.
Second, it ensures that relevant phrases appear on the page which could help improve your ranking for keywords including in such applications.
It can also give new ideas to a potential buyer on how else he can use this product.
8. Add Product Features
Similar to “Applications”, at FindLight we have also dedicated a place for “Features”. Suppliers on FindLight list all the relevant features for their products. Information in this section is often served in a bullet point format and adds qualitative highlights of your product. This is not the same as the technical specifications, which we discuss below.
Use this section to create a concise list of highlights, selling points of your products. When glancing over the product this could be one of the sections digested quickly by a potential buyer and might just ensure that he stays on the page and reads more.
9. Product Reviews on your High-Performance Product Postings
So you have made the high-performance product listing, what now? Good or bad (hopefully good) the product reviews are like gold to merchants and vendors. People like to know that other people are using your products and testing them out. Having a balance in your reviews can also be helpful because it shows that they are organic, not paid or by employees.
If you do get a bad review, using the opportunity to learn is also vital. If you are able to respond to reviews, do so publicly and try and address any concerns by the buyer. This highlights your customer service is active and engaging with its customers and wants to improve its later models.
10. List all the Relevant Specifications
Last but not least, do not overlook the technical specifications. Buyers of industrial products are often very technical and they look and compare specifications before making the final choice. Having a complete set of technical specs displayed on your product posting is of utmost importance. Make sure you list all the important parameters. While this may sound tedious it is one of the most important aspects of creating a high performance product listing.

Technical Specifications on a high performance product posting. As seen on FindLight (excerpt from PIR-fiber delivery set for CO₂ laser)
At FindLight we have two types of parameters: mandatory and additional. Mandatory parameters are those without completing which you cannot complete the postings. For each product category we have selected a minimum set of parameters that we deem very important for buyers.
Additional parameters are those that you can add in addition to “mandatory” parameters. We encourage using that feature to fill out the complete set of technical specs for your product model.
In Conclusion
We found these ten tips to really help boost SEO and get product listings the attention they deserve within our marketplace and outside of it. As always, the small attentions to detail really shine through in e-commerce, especially in high-performance product listings. Think of it like building your business’s presence. We spend a lot of time working on our reputation as people. We are doing the same with SEO, there are just set rules now.
As always do not be afraid to reach out to us and tell us more about what you might need in marketing tips and tricks. At FindLight we like to work together to bring you knowledge about current science and tech while also helping ease some efforts in marketing.