
Imaging Colorimeter and Spectrometer

The C-7000 Spectrometer is a portable handheld spectrometer, uniquely designed for industrial use. Utilising Sekonic’s CMOS linear image sensor design and large touch-screen colour display, the C-7000 can measure and accurately describe LED, HMI, fluorescent, as well as natural light and electronic flash. The C-7000’s ...


Spectral Range: 380-780nm
Optical Resolution (FWHM): 11 nm
Luminance Measurement Range: 0-0cd/m^2
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Did You know?

A colorimeter is a device that measures the absorbance of particular wavelengths of light by a specific solution. A spectrometer, on the other hand, is a scientific instrument used to split light into a spectrum in order to produce spectral lines and measure the resulting wavelength intensities. An imaging colorimeter and spectrometer is a device that allows for spectrally resolved colorimetry measurements, as it effectively combines the technology of camera imaging based on colorimeters and spectrometers. By combining two fundamentally different devices, this technology offers unprecedented capabilities and flexibility.