
Raman Spectrometers

The RTS-mini Confocal Raman Microscope is compact, versatile, and very easy to use. It is dedicated to the industrial and routine analytical sector. Even though it is simple to operate, it can obtain exceptional performance and reliable results. Without switching laser wavelengths and changing filters, the system is very stable. It ...


Excitation Wavelength: 532 nm
Laser Power: 100 mW
Raman Shift Range: 80-9000cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 1.5 cm^-1
Special Attributes: Confocal Microscope, Mini
ProCellics™ is the first GMP Bioprocess Raman Analyzer for the biopharmaceutical industry fully dedicated to in-line monitoring of the critical parameters and quality attributes in real-time, in order to maintain an optimal development of cultures in bioreactors and to better control downstream processes. ProCellics™ ...


Excitation Wavelength: 785 nm
Laser Power: 350 mW
Raman Shift Range: 0-4000cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: -- cm^-1
Special Attributes: Portable
The QE Pro-Raman product family comprises preconfigured spectrometers for 532 nm, 638 nm or 785 nm Raman excitation. Designed with gold-coated mirrors and a back-thinned FFT-CCD detector, QE Pro-Raman spectrometers offer a low noise floor even at long integration times. The ability to deliver sharp peaks from weak Raman ...


Excitation Wavelength: 532 nm
Laser Power: x mW
Raman Shift Range: 0-4429cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 23 cm^-1
Special Attributes: Modular
At the heart of the Reva educational Raman spectroscopy platform is a robust immersion contact probe utilizing a patented spherical sapphire ball lens interface. Made from hastelloy and sapphire, the BallProbe™ is impervious to all but the harshest chemical environments while allowing reduced sampling variation and ...


Excitation Wavelength: 785 nm
Laser Power: mW
Raman Shift Range: 300-3100cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 8 cm^-1
Special Attributes: N/A
Portable Raman Spectrometer YOA-8401 YOA-8401 series portable Raman spectrometers adopt a narrow linewidth low energy consumption 532/785/830 laser and an easily configured spectrometer, whose spectral range can be up to 4000cm-1 and the resolution can be < 8cm-1. Based on sensitivities, 01-basic, 02-upgraded, and 03-advanced ...


Excitation Wavelength: - nm
Laser Power: 500 mW
Raman Shift Range: 176-4000cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: <10 cm^-1
Special Attributes: Portable
The TacticID®–N Plus is a field-ready handheld instrument specifically designed for non-contact forensic analysis of narcotics, pharmaceutical drugs, cutting agents and precursors by law enforcement personnel. Featuring an intuitive workflow and touchscreen, samples can be nondestructively analyzed through opaque and ...


Excitation Wavelength: 785 nm
Raman Shift Range: 176-2900cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 9 cm^-1
The i-Raman® EX is part of our award winning line of i-Raman portable Raman spectrometers featuring a 1064 nm version of our patented CleanLaze® excitation laser. Using a high sensitivity InGaAs array detector with deep TE cooling and high dynamic range and a highthroughput spectrograph design, this portable Raman ...


Excitation Wavelength: 1064 nm
Raman Shift Range: 100-2500cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: < 10 cm^-1
Ibsen’s EAGLE Raman-S are high throughput, robust, and high resolution spectrometers, suited for OEM integration Into industrial grade Raman systems at 785 or 830 nm excitation. The EAGLE Raman-S series comprises the ENS-392 with a -10 Deg. C cooled CCD and the ENS-C316 with a -60 Deg. C cooled camera. ...


Excitation Wavelength: 785 nm
Raman Shift Range: 200-3650cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 4 cm^-1
Ibsen’s FREEDOM mini Raman spectrometer is an ultra compact, robust, athermal diode array-based spectrometer. It is well suited for OEM integration into industrial grade handheld Raman systems at 532, 785 or 830 nm excitation. The spectrometer offers a high resolution down to 0.6 nm, and allows flexible detector and electronics ...


Excitation Wavelength: 785 nm
Raman Shift Range: 0-3650cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 10 cm^-1
The i-Raman® Plus is part of our award winning line of i-Raman portable Raman spectrometers powered by our innovative smart spectrometer technology. Using a high quantum efficiency CCD array detector with deeper cooling and high dynamic range, this portable Raman spectrometer delivers an improved signal to noise ratio for up ...


Excitation Wavelength: 532 nm
Raman Shift Range: 150-4200cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 3.5 - 4.5 cm^-1
Excitation Wavelength: 785 nm
The NanoRam is a state-of-the-art handheld Raman instrument for nondestructive identification and verification of materials such as APIs, excipients, intermediates, & finished products. Compact and agile, the NanoRam can be used by non-technical users to rapidly identify samples in the lab, warehouse, loading dock or field, ...


Excitation Wavelength: 785 nm
Raman Shift Range: 176-2900cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 9 cm^-1
HORIBA Scientific\'s modular Raman systems are based around our high sensitivity iHR series spectrometers. A choice of spectrometer focal lengths of 320 mm or 550 mm allows the system resolution to be matched to your experiment. The modular iHR spectrometer is an ideal system for coupling to a fluorescence microscope or to a ...


Excitation Wavelength: 532 nm
Raman Shift Range: 100-7700cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 1.22 cm^-1
HORIBA’s new THz-Raman® Spectroscopy Modules extend the range of traditional Raman spectroscopy into the terahertz/low-frequency regime, exploring the same range of energy transitions at terahertz spectroscopy - without limiting the ability to measure the fingerprint region. This region reveals a new ...


Excitation Wavelength: 850 nm
Raman Shift Range: 5-3000cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 0.8 cm^-1
• High throughput (f/3.1) • Three Raman laser ranges: 532 nm, 660 nm, and 785 nm • Ultra-miniaturization with CCD USB 2.0 electronics • 7000:1 dynamic range • SMA or permanent fi ber-optic connection • VIS- or NIR-optimized back-illuminated CCD • CCT optical layout (Crossed-Czerny-Turner)


Excitation Wavelength: 532 nm
Raman Shift Range: 210-3500cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 12 cm^-1
• High throughput (f/3.1) • Three Raman laser ranges: 532 nm, 660 nm, and 785 nm • Ultra-miniaturization with CCD USB 2.0 electronics • 7000:1 dynamic range • SMA or permanent fi ber-optic connection • VIS- or NIR-optimized back-illuminated CCD • CCT optical layout (Crossed-Czerny-Turner)


Excitation Wavelength: 660 nm
Raman Shift Range: 400-3150cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 12 cm^-1
• High throughput (f/3.1) • Three Raman laser ranges: 532 nm, 660 nm, and 785 nm • Ultra-miniaturization with CCD USB 2.0 electronics • 7000:1 dynamic range • SMA or permanent fi ber-optic connection • VIS- or NIR-optimized back-illuminated CCD • CCT optical layout (Crossed-Czerny-Turner)


Excitation Wavelength: 785 nm
Raman Shift Range: 210-2700cm^-1
Spectral Resolution: 12 cm^-1

Frequently Asked Questions

Raman spectrometer is an analytical instrument that conducts vibrational spectroscopy on a sample. It can provide detailed information on the chemical composition of various compounds.

Raman spectroscopy finds applications in identifying various molecular components, given the vibrational frequency of the molecular bonds is within the accessible spectral range for typical Raman spectrometers. They are often used to characterize and identify artwork, and important historical documents. They can also be used in food and drug manufacturing industries to characterize products and identify or test for harmful pathogens.

Raman spectroscopy relies on inelastic scattering of monochromatic light of a laser source. As the incident light scatters from a sample, the wavelength of the scattered photons changes due to the interaction of the light with matter. This frequency (wavelength) shift, often referred to as a Raman shift, can become an important marker for the chemical compound being investigated. This is because the molecular bonds are often characterized with distinct and often well documented vibrational frequencies. By comparing the collected spectrum with the library of frequencies that map to specific chemical compounds, Raman spectrometer can uniquely identify the molecular compounds under investigation.

While the underlying principle remains the same, Raman spectroscopy is often classified into the following main sub-types: Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, and Non-linear Raman Spectroscopic Techniques.

While both Raman and FTIR spectroscopy rely on frequency resolved signal from the sample, Raman spectroscopy relies on measuring the energy of inelastically scattered photons and calculates the difference in energy between exciting and scattered photons. In contrast, FTIR (Fourier-Transform Infrared) spectroscopy measures the infrared spectrum of absorption or emission in a sample.

Raman spectroscopy is a non-invasive technique that can quickly identify various chemical compounds based on existing rich library of vibrational frequencies readily available for many common compounds. Advances in optical technologies have recently allowed significant miniaturization of this technology to the point where hand-held Raman spectrometers have become commercially available.

Raman microscope is an analytical tool that combines an optical microscope and a Raman spectrometer to conduct spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy. It allows creating a detail map of Raman signals coming from different spatial points within the field of view of the microscope.

There are 18 different Raman Spectrometers from suppliers and manufacturers listed in this category. In just a few clicks you can compare different Raman Spectrometers with each other and get an accurate quote based on your needs and specifications. Please note that the prices of Raman Spectrometers vary significantly for different products based on various factors including technical parameters, features, brand name, etc. Please contact suppliers directly to inquire about the details and accurate pricing information for any product model. Simply navigate to the product page of interest and use the orange button to directly reach out to the respective supplier with one click.

Did You know?

Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique based on inelastic scattering of monochromatic light, usually from a laser source. Inelastic scattering means that the frequency of photons in monochromatic light changes upon interaction with a sample. Raman Spectrometer consists of three components – namely an excitation source (generally lasers), sampling apparatus (either a microscope or a fiber optic probe) and a detector. Raman Spectroscopy can be used for qualitative and quantitative purposes since the spectra is very specific, and chemical identification can be performed by using search algorithm, cleaner than mid-infrared spectra. Raman spectroscopy is an invaluable analytical tool for molecular finger printing as well as monitoring changes in molecular bond structure (e.g. state changes and stresses & strains).