Frequently Asked Questions

The FBG is typically available at central wavelengths of 1550 nm and 1560 nm. Other central wavelengths can be provided upon request.

The product is available in two types of reflectors: High Reflector (HR) and Low Reflector (LR). The High Reflector has a peak reflectivity greater than 99.5%, while the Low Reflector has a reflectivity of approximately 10%.

The FBG offers a peak reflectivity of greater than 99.5%, ensuring efficient reflection of the laser light.

The FWHM of the FBG is between 0.5 and 3 nm, depending on the specific requirements and configurations.

The Side Mode Suppression Ratio is 20 dB for High Reflectors and 10 dB for Low Reflectors, indicating the effectiveness of the FBG in suppressing unwanted side modes.

The wavelength mismatch between the low reflectivity and high reflectivity gratings is 0.2 nm, ensuring precise matching in applications.

The FBG is designed for use with SM-1550-GDF fiber, which is a single-mode fiber optimized for 1550 nm wavelength applications.

The FBG can handle up to 50 watts of pump power, making it suitable for high power fiber laser applications.

The FBG comes with an input/output fiber length of 1 meter, providing flexibility in installation and integration.

The FBG is offered in a recoated package only, designed to meet specific environmental and operational requirements. A metal housing option is not available for this model.

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