Frequently Asked Questions

The SeasonBeam Isolator is designed to operate flawlessly in temperatures ranging from 0°C to +55°C.

The SeasonBeam Isolator incorporates patented isolation technology and advanced thermal management systems to maintain high levels of isolation and stable laser performance, even in extreme temperature fluctuations.

Yes, the SeasonBeam Isolator is compatible with SteadiBeam technology, allowing seamless integration with higher power isolators to eliminate thermal lensing effects and ensure stable laser performance.

The SeasonBeam Isolator delivers a nominal output beam diameter of 7.0 ± 0.5 mm with over 90% beam circularity, ensuring uniform and consistent laser beam profiles for reliable operation across various applications.

The SeasonBeam Isolator is available in handling powers ranging from 20 W to 100 W, catering to a wide range of laser power requirements for diverse applications.

The SeasonBeam Isolator is compatible with Nufern LMA-GDF fibers, including LMA-GDF-20/130-M (NA 0.08) and LMA-GDF-30/250-M (NA 0.06), as well as other specified fiber types.

The SeasonBeam Isolator is ideal for fiber laser systems, industrial laser cutting, welding, and marking, research and development laboratories, defense and aerospace applications, and medical laser systems, among others.

The SeasonBeam Isolator can be stored in temperatures ranging from -20°C to +70°C, ensuring its reliability and stability during storage.

Yes, the SeasonBeam Isolator is equipped with a durable armoured cable jacket, making it suitable for use in demanding industrial environments where robustness and reliability are essential.

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