Frequently Asked Questions

The center wavelength of this circulator is 1310 nm, specifically designed to operate within this wavelength range for optimal performance.

The circulator operates within a wavelength range of ±50 nm around the center wavelength of 1310 nm.

The maximum insertion loss is 1 dB, which ensures minimal signal attenuation during routing.

The circulator provides a minimum isolation of 35 dB at 23°C, ensuring effective separation of signal paths and reducing interference.

The maximum crosstalk is 55 dB, which helps maintain signal clarity by preventing unwanted signal leakage between ports.

The maximum polarization-dependent loss is 0.1 dB, ensuring consistent performance across different polarization states of the incoming signals.

The maximum polarization mode dispersion is 0.1 ps, which contributes to the device's ability to handle high-speed data transmission without significant dispersion-related issues.

The circulator can handle a maximum average optical power of 300 mW, making it suitable for high-power applications.

The maximum tensile load the circulator can withstand is 5 N, ensuring durability and stability in various installation scenarios.

The operating temperature range is from -5°C to +70°C, while the storage temperature range is from -40°C to +85°C.

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