Video Scope International Ltd
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Frequently Asked Questions

The VS4-1845 is suitable for microscopy, bioluminescence, single molecule imaging, spectroscopy, fluorescence, UV corona discharge observation, and photon counting.

The features of the VS4-1845 include manual/automatic controls, UV/visible/extended blue/solar blind spectral response, gating time as low as 3ns, MHz gate repetition rate, dual MCP for photon counting, GEN II and GEN III intensifiers from all known manufacturers, and fully automatic for surveillance/detection applications.

The output format of the VS4-1845 is fixed for either a 1/2", 2/3” camera. Optional 1” camera support is available.

The VS4-1845 has a GEN III high resolution intensifier with 64 linepairs/mm resolution and over 80,000 luminous gain.

The VS4-1845 is an enhanced, latest generation image intensifier assembly that attaches to an existing camera to make an instant intensified camera. It expands the use of cameras in specialized applications to allow a camera to see outside the normal spectral range, reduce exposure time, and operate at low light levels.

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