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Imaging & Spectroscopy
There are 172 different Imaging & Spectroscopy from suppliers and manufacturers listed in this category. In just a few clicks you can compare different Imaging & Spectroscopy with each other and get an accurate quote based on your needs and specifications. Please note that the prices of Imaging & Spectroscopy vary significantly for different products based on various factors including technical parameters, features, brand name, etc. Please contact suppliers directly to inquire about the details and accurate pricing information for any product model. Simply navigate to the product page of interest and use the orange button to directly reach out to the respective supplier with one click.
Did You know?
Cameras are well-known optical instruments that have endless applications in recording and capturing images, such as in imaging and spectroscopy. These cameras are high-grade devices used in demanding industrial and scientific applications. Imaging cameras offer an extremely sensitive, high-resolution technology to a range of scientific fields. Imaging and Spectroscopy cameras find use in the biomedical field through hyperspectral imaging and Raman spectroscopy, in astronomy for satellite and asteroid tracking, and even find employment in vision-guided robotics.
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