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Infrared and Thermal
There are 87 different Infrared and Thermal from suppliers and manufacturers listed in this category. In just a few clicks you can compare different Infrared and Thermal with each other and get an accurate quote based on your needs and specifications. Please note that the prices of Infrared and Thermal vary significantly for different products based on various factors including technical parameters, features, brand name, etc. Please contact suppliers directly to inquire about the details and accurate pricing information for any product model. Simply navigate to the product page of interest and use the orange button to directly reach out to the respective supplier with one click.
Did You know?
Infrared (IR) cameras can convert IR radiation, invisible to the human eye, into a visual image that depicts the thermal variation across an object or scene. IR is emitted by all objects at temperatures above absolute zero, and the amount of radiation increases with temperature. The main components are the lens focusing IR onto a detector, plus electronics and software for processing and displaying the image. The IR camera is a focal plane array of micrometre size pixels made of materials sensitive to IR wavelengths. It allows one to make non-contact measurements of an object´s temperature in which IR cameras detect the electromagnetic radiation in the range 0.9 to 14 µm and produce images of that radiation. Thermal cameras find applications in night vision, surveillance, military & medical purposes, and more.
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