
Ultrafast Fiber Lasers

The quality of any laser application crucially depends on the performance of the driving light source, i.e. the laser itself. In addition, most applications ask for more and more average power from the laser source to be cost-effective or sensitive enough. AFS‘s ultrafast fiber lasers are characterized by an outstanding ...


Wavelength: 1940 nm
Repetition Rate: single shot - 25 MHz
Output Power: 300 W
Pulse Duration: 150 fs
The quality of any laser application crucially depends on the performance of the driving light source, i.e. the laser itself. In addition, most applications ask for more and more average power from the laser source to be cost-effective or sensitive enough. AFS‘s ultrafast fiber lasers are characterized by an outstanding ...


Wavelength: 1030 nm
Repetition Rate: single shot - 30 MHz
Output Power: 100 W
Pulse Duration: 250 fs
The quality of any laser application crucially depends on the performance of the driving light source, i.e. the laser itself. In addition, most applications ask for more and more average power from the laser source to be cost-effective or sensitive enough. AFS‘s ultrafast fiber lasers are characterized by an outstanding ...


Wavelength: 1030 nm
Repetition Rate: single shot - 30 MHz
Output Power: 60 W
Pulse Duration: 250 fs
Drive the future of silicon processing! Combining the unique capabilities of ultrafast Thulium lasers within a modular design, the activeTwo redefines efficiency, versatility and serviceability while offering unique specifications at 2 µm central wavelength. This laser is made to be seamlessly integrated into your processes, ...


Wavelength: 1980 nm
Repetition Rate: single shot to 25 MHz
Output Power: 15 W
Pulse Duration: 400 fs
The quality of any laser application crucially depends on the performance of the driving light source, i.e. the laser itself. In addition, most applications ask for more and more average power from the laser source to be cost-effective or sensitive enough. AFS‘s ultrafast fiber lasers are characterized by an outstanding ...


Wavelength: 1940 nm
Repetition Rate: single shot - 25 MHz
Output Power: 60 W
Pulse Duration: 150 fs
The quality of any laser application crucially depends on the performance of the driving light source, i.e. the laser itself. In addition, most applications ask for more and more average power from the laser source to be cost-effective or sensitive enough. AFS‘s ultrafast fiber lasers are characterized by an outstanding ...


Wavelength: 1030 nm
Repetition Rate: single shot - 30 MHz
Output Power: 10 W
Pulse Duration: 50 fs
A suite of ultra-fast fiber lasers with 65 MHz +/- 2 MHz, centered at 1550 nm +/- 5 nm, delivering < 250 fs. Arche becomes a workhorse tool for many research and industrial applications requiring reliability and affordability.


Wavelength: 1560 nm
Repetition Rate: 50 MHz
Output Power: > 0,002 W
Pulse Duration: < 500 fs
Average Power Stability: < 0.5 % (std. dev.)
The Jasper Micro Compact Femtosecond Fiber Laser is a cutting-edge solution for precision applications requiring high-performance laser systems. With its compact design and robust construction, it delivers exceptional average power of up to 7 W and pulse energy reaching 5 μJ, ensuring superior performance in various setups. Its ...


Wavelength: 1030 nm
Repetition Rate: 20 MHz
Output Power: 7 W
Pulse Duration: < 270 fs
Beam Quality M²: < 1.2
The Halite 2 All-Fiber Amplified Femtosecond Oscillator represents a pinnacle of precision engineering in ultrafast laser technology. Engineered to meet the exacting demands of diverse fields like neuroscience, biophotonics, and engineering, this compact, all-in-one femtosecond laser delivers unparalleled performance and versatility. ...


Wavelength: 1030 nm
Repetition Rate: 20 MHz
Output Power: > 2 W
Pulse Duration: < 250 fs
Standard GDD Precompensation: from -50,000 up to 10 000 fs²
The Jasper Flex Compact High Power Femtosecond Fiber Laser is an advanced laser system designed for microprocessing applications across various industries. With its compact form factor and exceptional performance, it provides a versatile solution for precision material processing tasks. Offering a maximum average power of 30 W and a ...


Wavelength: 1030 nm
Repetition Rate: 20 MHz
Output Power: 30 W
Pulse Duration: < 270 fs
Chiller Size: 6U 19" rack unit: 485 x 653 x 267 mm³
The Biolit 2 is a compact, air-cooled femtosecond laser designed formultiphoton microscopy, biophotonics and other non-linear optics applications. The industrial-grade device is exceptionally robust, maintenance-free andaffordable. A combination of ultra short (typ 55 fs) and clean pulses withintegrated dispersion compensation, ...


Wavelength: 1050 nm
Repetition Rate: 15 – 40 MHz
Output Power: 2 W
Pulse Duration: 70 fs
Pulse Strehl Ratio: > 0.9
Broad Bandwidth Fiber Laser with Extremely Short Femtosecond Pulses The Cyclone is a broad bandwidth femtosecond fibre laser. It provides the shortest pulses on the market generated by a fibre laser, less than 20 fs pulses. Cyclone provides outstanding peak power (>200 kW) over a wide spectrum of 900-1200nm. These parameters ...


Wavelength: 900-1200 nm
Repetition Rate: 80 MHz
Output Power: > 0.25 W
Pulse Duration: 15 fs
Peak Power: > 200 kW
Extreme Pulse Control & Tunability Pulsar is a complete laser system enabling extreme pulse control and tunability, offering the user an unmatched level of versatility. With the independent adjustment of three key parameters: repetition rate (MHz to single shot), pulse energy (10 nJ to 10 uJ), and pulse width (300 to 600 ...


Wavelength: 1560 nm
Repetition Rate: 10 MHz MHz
Output Power: > 100 mW @10 MHz W
Pulse Duration: 120 fs
Pulsewidth Tunability: 200 fs to 600 fs
Frequency combs in the molecular finger-print region have enabled applications in metrology, spectroscopy and medicine. All these applications benefit from higher average powers that allow for faster acquisition rates and an improved signal-to-noise ratio.  This extension complements the compact 50fs-thulium-doped ultrafast ...


Wavelength: 5000 - 18000 nm
Repetition Rate: single shot - 30 MHz
Output Power: 0.1 W
Pulse Duration: 35 fs
Spectral Range: 5 - 18 µm
Nonlinear compression is an elegant way to shorten the pulse duration of pulses beyond the capabilities of the employed laser gain medium. It is characterized by highest beam quality and stability, power scalability and high efficiency. In addition, the technique perfectly fits to AFS fiber-based ultrafast laser systems in terms of ...


Wavelength: 1030 / 1940 nm
Repetition Rate: single shot - 30 MHz
Output Power: 500 W
Pulse Duration: < 10 fs
Pulse Energy: 5 mJ
Thorlabs FSL1550 High-Power Erbium-Doped Ultrafast Fiber Laser is a turnkey source that offers ultra-short pulses (<40 fs) in the 1550 nm wavelength band. This laser provides high peak power (estimated >60 kW) with >500 mW average power at the fundamental oscillator repetition rate of 100 MHz. The combination of a ...


Wavelength: 1560 nm
Repetition Rate: 100 MHz
Output Power: >0.5 W
Pulse Duration: <40 fs
Peak Power: >60 kW
Thorlabs\' 2 um ultrafast fiber laser is benchtop and air-cooled. Based on an oscillator-amplifier architecture, it produces <80 fs at a passively mode-locked 50 MHz repetition rate and produces >100 kW or peak pulse power and 500 mW of time averaged power. Output is a pigtailed, FC/APC-terminated fiber for easy coupling into ...


Wavelength: 1950 nm
Repetition Rate: 50 MHz
Output Power: 0.5 W
Pulse Duration: 80 fs
Peak Power: >100 kW
Amonics’ specialized products, high power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (FSFLs), are passive mode-locked fiber lasers, which generate soliton pulses without using external clocks. The results are FSFLs that possess high output power, narrow linewidth with exceptionally reliable performance. The turnkey microprocessor controlled ...


Wavelength: 1550 nm
Repetition Rate: 40 MHz
Output Power: 0.001 W
Pulse Duration: 100 fs
Output Power Options: 1, 10, 100, 200 mW
Amonics’ specialized products, high power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (FSFLs), are passive mode-locked fiber lasers, which generate soliton pulses without using external clocks. The results are FSFLs that possess high output power, narrow linewidth with exceptionally reliable performance. The turnkey microprocessor controlled ...


Wavelength: 1550 nm
Repetition Rate: 40 MHz
Output Power: 0.2 W
Pulse Duration: 600 fs
Output Power Options: 1, 10, 100, 200 mW
Amonics’ specialized products, high power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (FSFLs), are passive mode-locked fiber lasers, which generate soliton pulses without using external clocks. The results are FSFLs that possess high output power, narrow linewidth with exceptionally reliable performance. The turnkey microprocessor controlled ...


Wavelength: 1550 nm
Repetition Rate: 40 MHz
Output Power: 0.2 W
Pulse Duration: 100 fs
Output Power Options: 1, 10, 100, 200 mW

Frequently Asked Questions

Ultrashort fiber lasers are mode-locked lasers that generate light pulses. The phases of the different modes present in the cavity are fixed or “locked” such that these waves interfere constructively in a periodic way, thus, giving rise to peaks in intensity known as pulses. These seed pulses can then be amplified through one or more stages to generate a train of amplified ultrafast laser pulses.

Ultrafast fiber lasers are characterized by large amplification bandwidth which allows generating very short pulses of down to 100 fs in duration. Their compact construction offers robustness, ease of maintenance and resilience against thermal fluctuations. Also important to note is the exceptional beam quality offered by ultrafast fiber amplifiers.

Mode locking is a technique widely used in ultrafast lasers. The modes of a laser (standing waves) are characterized by random phases. When they interfere with each other they generate a continuous beam. However, by fixing the phase difference between the different modes, they start interfering constructively periodically which results in sharp peaks of intensity or what is known as a pulse.

There are 2 types of mode-locking devices: active and passive. Active mode-locking can be achieved using acousto-optic modulators, electro-optic modulators, or integrated optic modulators. On the other hand, passive mode-locking can be implemented using a saturable absorber. In most cases, this component is a saturable absorber mirror.

The output of a CW laser is a continuous wave radiation, whereas ultrashort lasers generate a train of ultrashort pulses separated from each other by a delay defined by their repetition rate. Ultrashort lasers contain within their cavities a mode-locking device that can be active (optical modulator) or passive (saturable absorber). In the absence of this device, the laser light coming out of the cavity would be continuous.

In the laser industry, the Strehl ratio is a measure of the beam quality, and it is the ratio of the peak irradiance to the peak irradiance of an ideal laser. A laser with a 0.8 Strehl ratio is considered a pretty decent beam quality.

In recent years, ultrafast fiber lasers have made into the domain of laser medicine. The pulse duration of ultrashort lasers allows for very short exposure times. This protects tissue from high energy levels which could otherwise cause thermal damage. The laser-tissue interaction with ultrashort pulses is much less thermal in nature and this allows for fast recovery and minimally invasive approach. While the output characteristics of ultrafast regenerative and fiber amplifiers are similar, the latter allows for much more compact construction, robustness and reliability – characteristics that are essential for surgical applications.

There are 28 different Ultrafast Fiber Lasers from suppliers and manufacturers listed in this category. In just a few clicks you can compare different Ultrafast Fiber Lasers with each other and get an accurate quote based on your needs and specifications. Please note that the prices of Ultrafast Fiber Lasers vary significantly for different products based on various factors including technical parameters, features, brand name, etc. Please contact suppliers directly to inquire about the details and accurate pricing information for any product model. Simply navigate to the product page of interest and use the orange button to directly reach out to the respective supplier with one click.

Did You know?

Ultrafast fiber lasers are mode-locked lasers that generate ultrashort pulses operating in the picosecond and femtosecond range. The high-energy and precision offered by ultrafast fiber lasers make them ideal for applications that require very precise cutting, such as material processing, bio-medicals, sensors, and optical communications. In the future, these lasers show promising potential in the medical field as they may have the ability to treat diseases like HIV and Ebola virus by damaging their viral capsids. They also show promise in the applications of disinfecting medication and producing inactivated vaccines.