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Frequently Asked Questions

The part number for the PH895DBR Series laser diode is PH895DBR080CM. Optical power can be assigned from those shown in the datasheet. Use a three-digit format for all power entries. Call the factory for special performance selection and certification to certain atomic absorption lines. Butterfly package is offered only at 50% of output powers shown, and is not recommended for spectroscopy applications.

The PH895DBR Series laser diode is available in several package styles, has pulsed operation for spectral stability at short pulse lengths, high power for CW applications, and high slope efficiency.

The center wavelength of the PH895DBR Series laser diode is between 893-897 nm.

The PH895DBR Series laser diode is sensitive to ESD. When handling the module, grounded work area and wrist strap must be used. Always store in an antistatic container with all leads shorted together.

The 895 nm laser diode is used in atomic spectroscopy for cesium-based applications and is certified to be resonant with the Cs D1 line.

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