Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
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Frequently Asked Questions

The CLD series is a user-controlled laser system with an integrated laser and control electronics in a single compact package.

The CLD series laser system is RS-232 or USB controlled and instrumentation ready. It includes software and has excellent power and wavelength stability.

The CLD series laser system can be used in spectroscopy, analytical and bio-instrumentation, flow cytometry, machine vision, and sensing.

The CLD series laser system has a wavelength range of 405 nm - 488 nm and an optical output power range of 5 mW – 150 mW. It has a laser power stability of < 0.5% and a laser RMS noise of < 0.5%.

The CLD series laser system comes with a one-year warranty. However, there is no warranty coverage for disassembly, modifications, or damage due to abuse or misapplication.

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