Photonic Solutions Ltd.
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The IQ1C47 Diode Laser is a laser diode module that features a precision current source and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) loop to control thermoelectric cooler output.

The IQ1C47 Diode Laser is ideal for the most demanding applications, including confocal microscopy, interferometry, Raman spectroscopy, and flow cytometry.

The IQ1C47 Diode Laser is available with an elliptical beam or a round beam achieved via microlensed diode.

The IQ1C47 Diode Laser is available with up to 30MHz analogue beam modulation or up to 150MHz digital modulation.

The IQ1C47 Diode Laser features a PID temperature control loop and precision current source, continuous wave (CW) and digital or analogue modulation options, and ultra-stable wavelength and output powers.

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