Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
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Frequently Asked Questions

The CLD-MW is a user-controlled laser module with integrated laser and control electronics in a single compact package.

The CLD-MW laser diode module features USB control, a full control touchscreen display operation, and excellent power and wavelength stability.

The CLD-MW laser diode module is suitable for bioanalytical and measurement & inspection applications.

The CLD-MW laser diode module has a wavelength range of 405-730 nm, optical output power of up to 50 mW, and laser power stability of less than 0.5%.

The CLD-MW laser diode module emits radiation that is harmful to the human eye, so it is important not to look directly into the laser emitting aperture. Additionally, the case is internally connected to the circuit, so damaging the anodized surface may result in failure of the laser module.

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