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Frequently Asked Questions

The applications of the TSL-550 High Performance Tunable Laser include optical component characterization, fiber optic transmission testing, photonic material characterization, interferometry, and optical spectroscopy.

The two versions of the TSL-550 High Performance Tunable Laser are Type A, which includes a wavelength meter with ±20pm wavelength accuracy, and Type C, the high accuracy version, with an absolute wavelength accuracy of ±5pm.

The output power of the TSL-550 High Performance Tunable Laser is +10 dBm.

The signal-to-noise ratio of the TSL-550 High Performance Tunable Laser is 90 dB/0.1 nm.

The tuning range of the TSL-550 High Performance Tunable Laser is from 1260 to 1680 nm.

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