Frequently Asked Questions

The taccor Series is a line of ultrafast lasers developed by Novanta for a wide range of laser-based applications, offering exceptional precision and performance.

Key features include ultrafast pulses (<30 fs), high average power (up to 1.8 W), tunability (740 nm to 930 nm), and a compact, vibration-resistant design.

The taccor Series facilitates various research applications such as spectroscopy, microscopy, material processing, and pump-probe experiments with two-color setups.

Yes, the taccor Series features a turn-key design with a full-feature control unit, ensuring ease of integration and operation in diverse experimental environments.

The taccor Series includes the taccor one, taccor power, taccor tune, and taccor x10, each offering unique capabilities tailored to specific research needs.

Yes, all models of the taccor Series come equipped with built-in cooling systems, ensuring optimal performance and longevity during prolonged operation.

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