Frequently Asked Questions

The taccor Ultrafast Femtosecond Laser is used in a variety of advanced applications, including two-photon microscopy, two-photon polymerization, optical precision metrology, ASOPS (Asynchronous Optical Sampling), optical spectroscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy, frequency comb generation, arbitrary waveform generation, and the calibration of spectrographs in astrometry.

The taccor laser is available in four models: taccor one, taccor power, taccor tune, and taccor x10. The taccor one offers a fixed wavelength, the taccor power is optimized for maximum power output, the taccor tune provides tunable wavelength control between 740 nm and 930 nm, and the taccor x10 operates at a 10 GHz repetition rate, suitable for applications requiring high repetition rates.

The average power output varies by model, with the taccor power and taccor tune models offering up to 1.8 W. Pulse durations can be as short as <30 femtoseconds for the taccor power model and <80 femtoseconds for the taccor tune model.

The taccor laser features a hermetically sealed, vibration-resistant laser head and an intelligent control unit that monitors laser performance and conducts diagnostic analysis. Additionally, active locking mechanisms for repetition rate and pulse timing, as well as CEPLoQ™ technology for phase stabilization, ensure high stability and precision.

Yes, the taccor laser can be integrated with the TL-1000 unit for phase-locking to external references and with the HarmoniXX second harmonic frequency converter for frequency doubled output. Additionally, it supports modulation access for the pump power and is compatible with Novanta’s software for remote monitoring and diagnostics.

The taccor x10’s 10 GHz repetition rate provides up to 1 mW per comb line spaced by 10 GHz, opening up applications such as resolved mode spectroscopy, low-noise microwave generation, astrocombs, and arbitrary waveform generation. This high repetition rate allows for precise and detailed measurements in advanced scientific research.

Novanta offers comprehensive support for the taccor laser through its global sales and service offices. The laser is designed for minimal maintenance, featuring a self-locking and maintenance-free design. Novanta’s software also allows for remote monitoring and diagnostics to ensure optimal performance.

The taccor laser operates optimally at a temperature of 21°C ± 5°C. It includes a cooling system, has a warm-up time of approximately 10 minutes, and features robust construction to ensure stability and consistent performance.

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