
Acousto-Optic Modulators (AOMs)

DAS Distributed Antenna System AOM Modulator Acoustic Optical Modulator 1550nm 80MHz DAS distributed antenna system is a network of spatially separated antenna nodes connected to a common source via a transport medium that provides wireless service within a geographic area or structure. DAS antenna elevations are generally at or ...


Center Wavelength: 1550 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1540-1560nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 80 MHz
Light Polarization: Random
CSRayzer presents acousto-optic modulators renowned for their rapid modulation speed, reduced insertion loss, elevated extinction ratio, efficient power consumption, optimal temperature stability, and exceptional performance reliability. These devices represent a specialized category of optoelectronic products, leveraging the ...


Center Wavelength: 1550 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1540-1560nm
Acoustic Mode: Transverse
Operating Frequency: 100 MHz
Light Polarization: N/A
This is an Acousto-Optic Modulator / Frequency Shifter operating at 1550 nm wavelength and 80 MHz repetition rate. It has a fast modulation speed, low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, low power consumption, good temperature stability and high performance reliability. This optoelectronic product uses the ...


Center Wavelength: 1550 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1520-1580nm
Acoustic Mode: Transverse
Operating Frequency: 80 MHz
Light Polarization: Random
CSRayzer Optical Technology Co., Ltd, a specialist in specialized optic devices, introduces its cutting-edge Acousto-Optic Modulators, designed for diverse applications ranging from Q-switched fiber lasers to ultrafast laser frequency pulse pickers. Our modulators stand out for their fast modulation speed, low insertion loss, high ...


Center Wavelength: 1064 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1030-1090nm
Acoustic Mode: Transverse, Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 200 MHz
Light Polarization: Linear
This is an Acousto-Optic Modulator / Frequency Shifter operating at 1064nm wavelength and 150MHz frequency. It has a fast modulation speed, low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, low power consumption, good temperature stability and high performance reliability. This optoelectronic product uses the principle of ...


Center Wavelength: 1064 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1030-1080nm
Acoustic Mode: Transverse
Operating Frequency: 150 MHz
Light Polarization: N/A
The CSRayzer IAOM-1550-80M-05-S-C3-PM1550-1-1-1-FA is a high-performance Acousto-Optic Modulator (AOM) designed for precision optical modulation applications. This modulator utilizes Tellurium Dioxide as the interaction material, optimized for the 1550 nm signal wavelength, making it ideal for telecom, laser systems, and research ...


Center Wavelength: 1550 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1520-1580nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 80 MHz
Light Polarization: Linear
Using acousto-optic modulator (AOM) to control laser frequency, switch light and generate modulation sideband is a common technical means, which is often used in optical systems of quantum optics, cold atoms, ion traps, quantum calculation and quantum precision measurement. Double Pass acousto-optic modulation is that the laser ...


Center Wavelength: 632 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 612-652nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 200 MHz
Light Polarization: Linear
Using acousto-optic modulator (AOM) to control laser frequency, switch light and generate modulation sideband is a common technical means, which is often used in optical systems of quantum optics, cold atoms, ion traps, quantum calculation and quantum precision measurement. Double Pass acousto-optic modulation is that the laser ...


Center Wavelength: 420 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 400-440nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 200 MHz
Light Polarization: Linear
The AOM power stabilization module developed by CSRayzer is based on the basic principle of AOM, that is, under the condition of satisfying Bragg diffraction, the power of ultrasonic wave is directly proportional to the power of the first-order diffracted light. By changing the power of ultrasonic wave, the intensity of the ...


Center Wavelength: AOM Power Stabilization Module nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 400-1100nm
Acoustic Mode: Transverse
Operating Frequency: -- MHz
Light Polarization: N/A
Using acousto-optic modulator (AOM) to control laser frequency, switch light and generate modulation sideband is a common technical means, which is often used in optical systems of quantum optics, cold atoms, ion traps, quantum calculation and quantum precision measurement. In a Double Pass acousto-optic modulation the laser passes ...


Center Wavelength: Specify nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 400-1100nm
Acoustic Mode: Transverse
Operating Frequency: 80-200 MHz
Light Polarization: N/A
Optical fiber coupled acousto-optic modulator mainly includes acousto-optic crystal and optical fiber collimator, etc. The modulation signal acts on the piezoelectric converter in the form of electrical signal, and the frequency and amplitude of the input modulation signal are changed to realize the frequency modulation and amplitude ...


Center Wavelength: 400-1550 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 400-1550nm
Acoustic Mode: Transverse
Operating Frequency: 80/100/110/180/200 MHz
Light Polarization: N/A
The free-space acousto-optic modulator of CSRayzer adopts high-performance acousto-optic crystal, which can dynamically realize the deflection of the propagation direction of light beam and the regulation of the frequency of light field by using Bragg diffraction of acousto-optic effect. Especially in quantum optics and quantum ...


Center Wavelength: Specify nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 350-2000nm
Acoustic Mode: Transverse
Operating Frequency: 80-350 MHz
Light Polarization: N/A
Using acousto-optic modulator (AOM) to control laser frequency, switch light and generate modulation sideband is a common technical means, which is often used in optical systems of quantum optics, cold atoms, ion traps, quantum calculation and quantum precision measurement. Dual-output AOM integrated optical module integrates two ...


Center Wavelength: 509/633/780/852 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 400-1100nm
Acoustic Mode: Transverse
Operating Frequency: 80-200 MHz
Optical Power Density: --specify KW/cm2
CSRayzer offers acousto-optic modulators with fast modulation speed, low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, low power consumption, good temperature stability and high performance reliability, with wavelength range from 300 nm to 2000 nm, and frequency range from 35 MHz to 300 MHz.   The ...


Center Wavelength: 1064 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1030-1090nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 300 MHz
Optical Power Density: 0.5 KW/cm2
CSRayzer offers acousto-optic modulators with fast modulation speed, low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, low power consumption, good temperature stability and high performance reliability, with wavelength range from 300 nm to 2000 nm, and frequency range from 35 MHz to 300 MHz.   The ...


Center Wavelength: 1053 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1030-1090nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 200 MHz
Optical Power Density: 0.5 KW/cm2
CSRayzer offers acousto-optic modulators with fast modulation speed, low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, low power consumption, good temperature stability and high performance reliability, with wavelength range from 300 nm to 2000 nm, and frequency range from 35 MHz to 300 MHz. The AOM could be in free space, or fiber coupled type.


Center Wavelength: 1064 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1030-1090nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 200 MHz
Light Polarization: N/A
CSRayzer offers acousto-optic modulators with fast modulation speed, low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, low power consumption, good temperature stability and high performance reliability, with wavelength range from 300 nm to 2000 nm, and frequency range from 35 MHz to 300 MHz. The AOM could be free space, or fiber coupled.


Center Wavelength: 1030 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1030-1060nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 200 MHz
Light Polarization: N/A
CSRayzer, a pioneer in specialized optic devices, presents its cutting-edge Acousto-Optic Modulators (AOMs) designed for precision and versatility in a wide array of applications. With a core focus on integrating state-of-the-art technology, these AOMs feature an impressive modulation speed, ensuring rapid response to optical signal ...


Center Wavelength: 1030 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1030-1040nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 80 MHz
Light Polarization: Linear, Circular, Elliptical
This is an Acousto-Optic Modulator (AOM) operating at 1064nm wavelength and 120MHz frequency. It features fast modulation speed, low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, low power consumption, good temperature stability and high performance reliability. CSRayzer Optical Technology offers a wide range ...


Center Wavelength: 1064 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1030-1090nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 120 MHz
Light Polarization: N/A
This is an Acousto-Optic Modulator operating at 1064nm wavelength and 200MHz repetition rate. It features outstanding operating characteristics including fast modulation speed, low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, low power consumption, good temperature stability and high performance reliability. The robust performance ...


Center Wavelength: 1064 nm
Operational Wavelength Range: 1030-1090nm
Acoustic Mode: Longitudinal
Operating Frequency: 200 MHz
Light Polarization: N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

Acousto-optics is a branch of physics that studies interactions between light waves and sound waves. One of the most common topics of acousto-optics involves the study of diffraction of laser light by ultrasound. This interaction between light and sound is called the acousto-optic effect.

An Acousto-Optic Modulator (AOM), sometimes referred to as Bragg Cell, is a device that controls the transmitted power of a laser beam using an electrical drive signal. They are used to regulate the intensity of a light beam by employing the acouso-optic effect.

A Brag Cell is another common name for an acousto-optic modulator. These terms are often used interchangeably.

A typical Bragg Cell or AOM is comprised of a crystal which is transparent for the laser beam when undisturbed and a piezoelectric transducer which is firmly attached to the crystal. An external radiofrequency (RF) driver supplies an electric signal to the transducer, which perturbs the crystal and creates standing acoustic waves within the crystal. This effectively creates an optical grating within the crystal upon which the incident laser beam diffracts. By controlling the timing and frequency of the RF signal one can selectively make the beam path transparent for certain time windows thus acting as an optical gate on demand.

The transducer in an AOM, excites a sound wave that will generate traveling strain through the crystal. When the laser beam travels through the crystal, the light will experience what is called Bragg Diffraction. This is why AOMs are oftentimes referred to as Bragg Cells.

Acousto-optic Modulators are frequently used for signal modulation in telecommunications, and in spectroscopy for frequency control. They are also used in laser applications for Q-switching, a method of acquiring energetic pulses from lasers by regulating intracavity losses.

The following are the key attributes of a typical AOM. They must be made of a high transparency material, capable of exhibiting high diffraction efficiency under mechanical strain. The crystal should also have low sound velocity, which is important for achieving desired beam angles. Finally, they should have short relaxation times (for fast switching) and high optical damage threshold.

AOMs are based on the acousto-optic effect, whereas EOMs are based on the electro-optic effect. Each device offers its own unique advantages, acousto-optic modulators offer much higher modulation speeds while electro-optic modulators provide a larger aperture.

An Overview of Acousto-Optic Modulators


Acousto-optic modulators (AOMs) are key components in many optical systems, leveraging the acousto-optic effect to control and manipulate light. They are utilized in a wide array of applications including telecommunications, medical technology, and scientific research. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of what AOMs are, their operational principle, types, applications, and their advantages and disadvantages.

What Are Acousto-Optic Modulators?

Acousto-optic modulators are devices that use sound waves to modify the properties of a light beam. They can be used to alter the intensity, frequency, or direction of the light beam, making them incredibly useful for a variety of optical applications. The modulating signal can be continuous, allowing the creation of a frequency-shifted beam, or it can be pulsed, leading to the generation of laser pulses.

Operational Principle of Acousto-Optic Modulators

AOMs function based on the acousto-optic effect, a phenomenon that occurs when a beam of light interacts with an acoustic wave. This interaction causes the light beam to diffract and change its properties.

When a radio frequency (RF) signal is applied to the AOM, it creates a sound wave in the material. This wave forms a moving grating of alternate compressions and rarefactions. As light passes through this moving grating, it's diffracted. By varying the frequency of the sound wave, one can control the diffraction of the light, thus modulating its properties.

Types of Acousto-Optic Modulators

There are several types of AOMs, distinguished by the type of interaction that occurs between the light and the sound wave. The two main types are Bragg cells and Raman-Nath modulators.

  1. Bragg Cells: Named after the British physicist Sir William Bragg, these are AOMs that operate in the Bragg regime, meaning that the interaction length is much larger than the wavelength of light. The output beam in this case consists mainly of the zeroth and first order diffraction beams.

  2. Raman-Nath Modulators: In contrast, Raman-Nath modulators operate in the Raman-Nath regime, where the interaction length is of the same order as the wavelength of light. In this case, the output beam consists of several order diffraction beams.

Applications of Acousto-Optic Modulators

Acousto-optic modulators are integral to a wide range of applications:

  1. Laser Systems: AOMs are commonly used in laser systems to control laser beam intensity, frequency, and direction.

  2. Spectroscopy: AOMs find applications in spectroscopy, especially in confocal microscopy and Raman spectroscopy.

  3. Telecommunications: In optical communication systems, AOMs are used for signal processing and switching.

  4. Research & Development: In scientific research, AOMs are used to manipulate light in numerous experimental settings.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Acousto-Optic Modulators

Acousto-optic modulators offer several advantages. They are capable of high-speed operation, they allow precise control over the properties of light, and they offer a non-mechanical method for modifying light.

However, they do have certain disadvantages as well. The efficiency of AOMs is usually lower than that of other optical modulators. Additionally, they are sensitive to temperature variations and can be negatively affected by acoustic wave absorption and material defects.


Acousto-optic modulators represent a cornerstone of modern optics, playing an invaluable role in numerous fields. Despite their limitations, the versatility and control that these devices provide make them an essential tool for anyone working with light.

Did You know?

Acousto-optic modulator (AOM), aka Bragg cell, is a device which allows the frequency, intensity and direction of an input laser beam to be modulated. It is based on the acousto-optic effect, i.e. the change of refractive index by the oscillating mechanical pressure of a sound wave. The key element of an AOM is a transparent crystal (or piece of glass) through which the light propagates and a transducer attached to it used to excite a sound wave with a frequency on the order of 100 MHz, i.e. radio frequency. Modulation of this incoming light can be achieved by varying the amplitude and frequency of the acoustic waves travelling through the crystal. This can be simple ON/OFF modulation for fast switching or variable level modulation to provide proportional intensity control. These modes are determined by the RF driver type; digital or analog modulation respectively (or a combination of both). AOMs are used to control laser beam intensity, frequency of laser beam, in active mode locking, Q-Switching & cavity dumping of solid state lasers.