X1-1-UV-3727 UV Radiometer For Excimer And Low-Pressure Hg Germicidal Lamps And UV-C LEDs
Germicidal UV irradiation is a sterilization method that uses short wavelength light in the UV-C region (100 nm to 400 nm) to break down microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, yeasts and fungi. Most commonly, low pressure mercury lamps emitting at 254nm have been used and more recently, UV LEDs emitting in the 265 nm to 290 nm are being employed. However, the widespread use of these conventional UVC light sources is somewhat limited as they have strong carcinogenic and cataractogenic effects.
Far-UVC light, for example 222nm produced by Kr-Cl excimer lamps, has been shown to effectively inactivate bacteria, but with less photobiological hazard for humans. This is because far-UVC light cannot penetrate human skin or eyes as deeply as longer wavelength UV radiation.
To ensure the germicidal effect of any UVC light source, the UV dose must be checked. This is achieved by measuring the UV irradiance at the location of exposure using a UV radiometer. It is essential that the radiometer is suitably calibrated for the type of UV source to be measured.
X1-1-UV-3727 UV Radiometer For Excimer And Low-Pressure Hg Germicidal Lamps And UV-C LEDs
Specifications |
Wavelength Range (reflectance): | 250-300nm |
Resolution: | -- nm |
Minimum Scan Time: | -- sec |
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Frequently Asked Questions
The X1-1-UV-3727 UV Radiometer is used to measure the UV irradiance of germicidal light sources such as excimer lamps, UVC LEDs, and low-pressure Hg lamps.
Measuring the UV dose ensures the germicidal effect of UVC light sources, as it determines the amount of UV irradiance at the location of exposure.
Yes, the X1-1-UV-3727 can measure other UVC germicidal sources, including low-pressure Hg lamps and UV LEDs.
The UV-3727 detector has extended deep-UV responsivity and measures radiation in the required spectral sensitivity range.
Yes, the X1-1-UV-3727 includes selectable calibration factors for common UV LED wavelengths and low-pressure Hg lamps.
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