CropScan 1000H - Multipurpose Farm Analyser
The CropScan 1000H On Farm Analyser measures protein, oil and moisture in wheat, barley, sorghum, oats, rice, soybeans, chick peas, lentils, lupins, faba beans, canola and other seeds and grains. Easy to use, rugged, reliable and cost effective.
CropScan 1000H - Multipurpose Farm Analyser
Specifications |
Product Type: | Grains |
- Portable Whole Grain Analyser: Use in the ute, chaser bin or truck to measure grain for protein, moisture and oil.
- On Combine Analyser: use in the header with a Remote Sampling Head, Fibre Optic Cable and Touch Screen PC to collect protein, moisture and oil data as the grain is stripped in a combine harvester.
- On Silo Analyser: use on an auger with the Remote Sampling Head, Fiber Optic Cable and Touch Screen PC to measure protein, moisture and oil continuously of grain at in loading and outloading.
For pricing, technical or any other questions please contact the supplier
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the CropScan 1000G can be upgraded to a CropScan 1000H with the addition of a remote sampling head, fiber optic cable, and touch screen PC.
The CropScan 1000H is easy to use, rugged, reliable, and cost-effective.
The CropScan 1000H can be used as a portable whole grain analyzer, on combine analyzer, and on silo analyzer.
The CropScan 1000H measures protein, oil and moisture in various seeds and grains.
The contact information for Next Instruments Pty Ltd is as follows: B1 366 Edgar Street, Condell Park, NSW, 2200, Australia Tel: 612 9771 5444, fax: 612 9771 5255 Email:, Web:
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