Frequently Asked Questions

The center wavelength of the GK-HPMI Series is 1030 nm.

The typical peak isolation is 30 dB, ensuring effective suppression of back-reflected light.

The maximum insertion loss at 23°C is 1 dB, with a typical value of 0.8 dB.

This isolator can handle a maximum average optical power of 10 W and peak power for nanosecond pulses up to 20 kW.

The minimum extinction ratio is 20 dB, ensuring robust polarization maintenance.

The isolator is constructed with PM 980 Panda Fiber, known for its stability and reliability.

The operating temperature range is +10°C to +50°C, and the storage temperature range is 0°C to +60°C.

This isolator is ideal for fiber laser systems, optical instrumentation, and telecommunications requiring high power handling and stable polarization.

The minimum return loss for both input and output ports is 45 dB, ensuring excellent signal quality.

The GK-HPMI Series is designed to operate reliably in a temperature range from +10°C to +50°C and is built to withstand demanding environments.

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