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Raw Crystalline Materials

Lithium fluoride is a tetragonal crystal system with excellent optical properties, especially in the deep UV band. Lithium fluoride has a transmission spectrum of 110-7000 nm and is commonly used in lenses, prisms and windows for thermal imaging systems, aerospace optical systems and excimer optical systems. We can provide a wide ...


Material: Lithium fluoride(LiF)
Material Grade: UV, Deep UV, Extreme UV
Available Sizes: φ180mm
Wavelength Range: 110nm-7μm
Crystal Structure: Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline
Data Sheet
Barium fluoride (BaF2) has an optical transmittance of nearly 90% in the 200-9500nm.Moreover, barium fluoride can resist stronger high-energy radiation. However, the disadvantage of barium fluoride is its poor resistance to water. When exposed to water, significant degradation of performance occurs at 500°C, but it can be used in ...


Type Of Crystal: BaF2
Crystal Diameter: 300mm
Material Grade: UM-DUV, UM-UV, UM-IR
Wavelength Range: 150nm~14um
Crystal Structure: Monocrystalline/Polycrystalline
Data Sheet
Calcium fluoride (CaF2) crystals with high hardness, strong resistance to mechanical shock and thermal shock is good transmittance in UV, visible and infrared fields. ICalcium fluoride (CaF2) crystals are widely used in scientific and technological fields such as lasers, infrared optics, UV optics and high-energy detectors. ...


Type Of Crystal:: calcium fluoride(CaF2)
Crystal Diameter:: 520mm
Material Grade:: UM-DUV, UM-UV, UM-IR
Wavelength Range: 0.13-10μm
Crystal Structure: Monocrystalline/Polycrystalline
Data Sheet
DLATGS CrystalDLATGS crystal is a crystalline material with a pyroelectric effect, which can provide a wide range of infrared radiation from the near-ultraviolet (NUV) light edge of 0.4 μm (~750 THz) to the far-infrared spectrum of 200 μm (~1.5 THz). It has a wide range of uses in aerospace, military, medical, and fire safety ...
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Cr4+:YAG (Y3Al5O12) is an ideal material for passive Q-switching of Nd:YAG and other Nd and Yb doped lasers in the wavelength range of 0.8 to 1.2 mm. 


Orientation:: The rod axis is along [100] within5°,[111] and [110] within5°
Cr4+ Concentration:: 0.5 mol% ~ 3 mol%
Aperture: 2x2 ~ 20x20 mm
Length:: 0.1 ~ 12 mm
Initial Transmission: : 5% ~ 99%
Data Sheet
Lithium Thiophosphate 99.995%
Rare Earth Products Inc
L   Lithium thiophosphate 99.995%.
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